Comedian and actor John Mulaney made his highly anticipated return to Saturday Night Live (SNL), bringing his signature humor—and an unexpected health update about his “feminine hips.” Mulaney, now 42, joked about getting older and shared with the audience that he may eventually need hip replacement surgery.
Reflecting on how he and his parents are all dealing with the realities of aging, Mulaney said, “My parents picked a bad time to get old. When I was younger, I maybe could have helped them. But I can’t now. I’m 42. I don’t feel well either,” he quipped. He even described a call from his brother saying their mom had fallen. “I fell! It hurt!” Mulaney joked, drawing laughter from the crowd.
The comedian, who now has a tear in his right labrum, humorously described attending physical therapy with three older women. “We lay on mats, pressing our backs into the mats to stabilize ourselves, then we do these tiny crunches to strengthen our muscles and vaginas,” he joked. “There’s silver hair and turquoise jewelry everywhere.”
But the laughter took a more serious turn when he revealed that his physical therapist had recommended hip replacement surgery as his best option, saying physical therapy alone wouldn’t work long-term. “I’m going to get my hip replaced,” he laughed, adding, “and my mom is going to give me a ride home.”
Mulaney, who previously hosted SNL in February 2022, continues to bring humor to life’s ups and downs—even when it comes to aging and unexpected health updates.